The road packaging consists of road traffic signals, overhead signs, road markings, kilometre stones, road delineators, boundary stones, fencing, tubular steel railing, concrete crash barrier, metal beam crash barrier, speed humps, concrete retaining wall, street lighting, utility services and landscaping.

All the works shall be done in accordance to IRC: 93 and IS: 7537





The traffic signal, its configuration, size and location shall be in accordance with IRC : 93 and IS : 7537. The traffic signals shall have a complete electronic mechanism for controlling the operation of traffic with an auxiliary manual controller. The constructional requirements for post, signal head assembly, signal head, optical system, lamp and holder, visor, post, supports for overhead mounted signals, equipment housing, locks, inter-connecting cables, earthing, mains termination, controller electrical components, etc., shall conform to IS : 7537. Shape of all signal lenses shall be circular. Maintenance of Traffic Signalisation system shall be provided throughout warranty period of five years.


Overhead signs may be used in lieu of, or as an adjunct to, ground signs where the situation so warrants for proper information and guidance of the road user. From safety and aesthetic standpoints, overhead signs shall be mounted on overhead bridge structures wherever possible. The overhead signs shall be designed to withstand a wind loading of 150kg/m2 normal to the face of the sign and 30 kg/m2 transverse to the face to the sign. Signs shall provide a vertical clearance of not less than 5.5 m over the entire width of the pavement and shoulders. The minimum clearance outside the usable roadway shoulder for expressway signs mounted at the road side or for overhead sign supports either to the right or left side of the roadway shall be 1.80 m.


Road markings shall be of ordinary road marking paint, hot applied thermoplastic compound, or reflectorised paint. Ordinary paint used for road marking shall conform to GradeI. The thermoplastic material shall be homogeneously composed of aggregate, pigment, resins and glass reflectorizing beads.

Colour                         Yellow

Luminance                  Daylight luminance at 45 degrees - 45 per cent min.

Drying time                 < 15 min

Skid resistance            > 45

Softening point           102.5- 6 9.5o C

Flow resistance           25%



The work covers the supply, painting, lettering and fixing of distance measurement stones and shall include

(i)   Hectometre stones

(ii)  Kilometre stones

(iii) 5th Kilometre stones

Stones shall be of concrete. The dimensions of the stones and the size, colour, arrangement of letters and script shall be as per IRC : 26 “Type Designs for 200 Metre Stones” and IRC : 8 “Type Designs for Highway Kilometre Stones”.


The work covers supplying and fixing roadway indicators, hazard markers and object markers. The design, materials to be used and the location of the road delineators shall conform to Recommended Practice for Road Delineators. The measurement shall be made in numbers of delineators fixed at site.


The work comprises of supplying and fixing boundary stones as per designs and Specifications given in IRC: 25 “Type Designs for Boundary Stones” and at locations indicated in the drawings or as directed by the Engineer. The measurement shall be made in numbers of boundary stones fixed at site.


The work comprises of fixing Mild Steel (M.S.) posts and providing barbed wire fencing including necessary stays and entry gates. The M.S. posts shall conform to IS : 226 and shall be of angle iron of size indicated in the drawings. The angle iron shall be embedded in concrete to a sufficient depth below ground as indicated in the drawings. The steel shall be fabricated and painted to conform to Section 1900 of these Specifications. The barbed wire shall be of galvanised iron and shall conform to IS : 278. Entry gate(s) shall be made of M.S. rods or other metal as per the design shown in the drawing(s).


The work shall consist of supplying, fixing and erecting tubular steel railings. The railings shall be of tubular steel in conformance to IS : 1239. The fabrication and painting except for the final coat shall be completed before despatch to the site. Prior to the painting, all surfaces shall be grit blasted to the satisfaction of the Engineer and pickled. The priming coat of paint shall be applied as soon as the steel has dried. The posts shall be vertical and of the type as shown in the drawing with a tolerance not exceeding 6 mm in a length of 3 m. The railing shall be erected true to line and grade.


This work shall consist of construction, provision and installation of concrete crash barrier at the edges of the road and median at locations and of dimensions. Concrete barriers shall generally be located on approaches to bridge structures, at locations where the embankment height is more that 3 metres and at horizontal curves. The concrete barriers shall be constructed by the “cast-in-place with fixed forms” method. Concrete barriers shall be constructed with M20 grade concrete and with High Yield Strength deformed reinforcement conforming to IRC : 21.


This work shall consist of furnishing and erection of metal beam crash barrier of dimensions and at locations. Metal beam crash barrier shall generally be located on approaches to bridge structures, at locations where the embankment height is more that 3 metres and at horizontal curves. Metal beam rail shall be corrugated sheet steel beams of the class, type, section and thickness indicated on the plans.


This work shall consist of the supply of materials and installation of speed humps on the road. All materials shall comply with section 1000 Materials for Structures, and section 1600 Steel Reinforcement. Payment shall be made for the numbers of speed humps constructed to the satisfaction of the Engineer.


The work shall consist of the supply of materials and installation of concrete retaining walls as indicated on the drawings. All materials shall comply with Section 1000, Materials for Structures, Section 1600 Reinforcement and any other relevant section of the specification. It is made of M20.


The work shall consist of the supply materials and installation of street lighting as indicated on the drawings.  Street lighting shall be erected at locations determined by the Engineer. The Contractor shall prepare and submit to the Engineer for approval working drawings based on this Specification and the Contract drawings, detailing foundations, poles, bracket arms, luminaries, igniters, fuses, switches, cabling, etc proposed for the works.  The working drawings shall be prepared with reference to the relevant Indian Standards and those used by the State Electricity Board.


Installation of services lines, the depth depends on the type of service line. The minimum depth is from considerations of providing a minimum cover to safeguard the line from any superimposed loads or impact or from erosion and this should not be less than 0.6m. gravity sewer lines, from operational angle are required to be laid at substantial depth, from 2m to 6m depending on the topography of the area. As regards electricity cables, HT lines should be at greater depth than LT cables from safety considerations.

Recommendations about the depth of laying of the various service lines along the road are given below:

1.      Trunk sewer line                                  4m

2.      Water supply line

·         Service line                              0.8m

·         Trunk line                                1.25m

3.      Electric cable

·         LT Cable                                 0.8m

·         HT Cable                                 1.75m

4.      Telecommunication cable

·         Directly laid                            0.8m

·         Laid in ducts                           2.5m

5.      Gas marines and lines

Carrying combustible material            2.5m



            Horticulture operations shall be started on ground previously levelled and dressed to required formation levels and slopes.

a)    Materials :


Grass:  Doob grasses shall be used. It shall be fresh, free from weed and rank vegetation but having Rhizome with sufficient nodes.


Farm Yard Manure: It shall be well decayed, free from grits and any other unwanted materials.


Good Earth: The soil shall be suitable for gardening, free from kankar, moorum, shingle, rocks, stones, brick bats, building rubbish and any other foreign matter.


b)   Trenching: 


Trenching shall be done to the depth of 30cm for grassing and 60cm regressing in good soil. The trenched ground shall, after dressing, be flooded with water by making small Kiaries to enable the soil to settle down.


c)    Uprooting:


Initially the area shall be dug up to a depth of 30cm and weeds and rank vegetation with roots removed there from by repeated forking. The whole area then shall be trenched to a depth of 60cm.


d)   Grassing with doob grass:

The soil shall be suitably moistened and then the operation of planting grass shall be commenced. The grass shall be dibbled at 10cm, 7.5cm, 5cm apart in any direction or other spacing. Watering and maintenance of levels shall be done for 30 days or  till the grass forms a thick lawn free from weeds and fit for moving whichever is later.

e)    Digging holes for planting trees:


Holes of circular shape in ordinary soil shall be excavated to the dimensions described in the item and the excavated soil broken to clods of sizes not exceeding 75mm in any direction shall be stacked outside the hole.


f)    Tree guards:


Ornamental circular iron tree guard with bars shall be provided. The tree guard shall be 50cm in diameter. It shall be formed of 3 numbers 25mmx25mmx3mm

·      Angle iron vertical 2.0m long excluding splayed outward at lower end up to an extent of   


·      3 numbers of 25mmx5mm MS flat rings

·      15 numbers of 1.55m long 6mm diameter bars


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